Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The One With The Limo

So this past weekend I took a little jaunt to North Carolina! I went to visit G.I. Brandon (see Vegas post about me and Heather's patriotic duty haha). Anyways, had a fab time in good ol Fayetteville, NC, humidity and all! Every other building is literally a church, it was just like home. Haha. Anyways, Brandon wasn't able to take me to the airport for my departing flight on Monday because of his job. So I research rides (its an hour and a half..) and a taxi service ended up being only $10 more than renting a car. I reserve my ride and I'm set. Monday morning the service calls me and tells me they double booked my Cadi and they were out of cars so they had to upgrade me for free to a Limo. Sweet right? Well the guy pulls up to B's house in a stretch limo. HAHAHAHAHAHA, straight up i'm going to prom!? It was soooo funny. I'm driving through rural North Carolina in this stretch limo. I made him take me to a gas station so i could use the ATM, everyone was starring. After the pit stop to the gas station, we get back on the highway and BAM, car breaks down!! I guess something was wrong with the battery. At this point I'm getting nervous because we are starting to cut it close for my flight (not that i would have minded another night..). Jon the driver got it all fixed up after probably 20 min of tinkering. We're on the road again and I strike up a convo with Jon. Turns out he lived 3 miles from my dad's house for 35 years before moving to North Carolina 3 years ago. AND his nephews both went to my high school. S M A L L W O R L D. That whole weekend was full of adventures and so to top it off with the sweetest limo ride ever was perfect. Cherry on top if you will.

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