Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The One With The Goobster!

So I was driving along State St today...Minding my own business and guess who I run into!?
A truck that looks exactly like THE GOOBSTER!! Fun Fun FUN memories. That truck was the illist, probably got 86 miles to the gallon. It would jingle when you turned the lights on, went through the car wash or turned left. I could run into things and no one would even notice. It was the host of "That Night". Ahhh memories. What I wouldn't give to run into the Golden Deluxe Whore Mobile...


Shauna said...

I love it Ari! It's funny the other day I was talking with my mom about how we named your Lincoln the "Golden Deluxe Whore Mobile" oh those were the days! Miss you girl!

Lizzie said...

Ari!!! Hi....and the goobster! Bringing back memories!! Where are you living? AZ or UT??? I'll have to stalk your blog now :)