Monday, July 28, 2008

The One in Boise

To carry on in my effort to be a good person, I made the trip to Boise this past weekend to visit my family and help my grandma with her garage sale. Its probably a 5 hour car ride, sweet right...yeeeaaaah. "Met" some sweet peeps on the road, I hate when people try to talk to you as you are driving down a highway going 95 mph..Oh and this is CLASSIC ARI. I exited to use the facilities. I turn left off the highway to go over the bridge to the truck stop. Instead of turning on the road to the truck stop i accidentally turned back onto the highway but going the wrong way. I had to drive 20 miles to turn back around. That isn't as bad as when Audri drove to California when she was trying to go to a salon on Estrella Pkwy...hahahahaha...anyways..
I arrive in Boise and my cousin and his friend decide we should go play pool at their fav bar. WHITE TRASH. Everyone there was "stare worthy". This broad was my favorite, she was constantly laying on the floor or doing back bends on the chairs (as documented) or even laying down in the middle of peoples pool games...beyond wasted. I don't know if you can tell but she is wearing a teal bra with a camo TUBE top. Straps in all their glory just hanging out up top...The weekend was full of good ol fashioned WT moments.. My Grandma is the best though and I love talking to her. She tells the most random sweet stories about "her day" and where we get our ankles and hands and face from..I have "Wolfe" ankles (her side of family). It was a good time. Gotta love the land o the potatoes.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The One With The Limo

So this past weekend I took a little jaunt to North Carolina! I went to visit G.I. Brandon (see Vegas post about me and Heather's patriotic duty haha). Anyways, had a fab time in good ol Fayetteville, NC, humidity and all! Every other building is literally a church, it was just like home. Haha. Anyways, Brandon wasn't able to take me to the airport for my departing flight on Monday because of his job. So I research rides (its an hour and a half..) and a taxi service ended up being only $10 more than renting a car. I reserve my ride and I'm set. Monday morning the service calls me and tells me they double booked my Cadi and they were out of cars so they had to upgrade me for free to a Limo. Sweet right? Well the guy pulls up to B's house in a stretch limo. HAHAHAHAHAHA, straight up i'm going to prom!? It was soooo funny. I'm driving through rural North Carolina in this stretch limo. I made him take me to a gas station so i could use the ATM, everyone was starring. After the pit stop to the gas station, we get back on the highway and BAM, car breaks down!! I guess something was wrong with the battery. At this point I'm getting nervous because we are starting to cut it close for my flight (not that i would have minded another night..). Jon the driver got it all fixed up after probably 20 min of tinkering. We're on the road again and I strike up a convo with Jon. Turns out he lived 3 miles from my dad's house for 35 years before moving to North Carolina 3 years ago. AND his nephews both went to my high school. S M A L L W O R L D. That whole weekend was full of adventures and so to top it off with the sweetest limo ride ever was perfect. Cherry on top if you will.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The One With The Goobster!

So I was driving along State St today...Minding my own business and guess who I run into!?
A truck that looks exactly like THE GOOBSTER!! Fun Fun FUN memories. That truck was the illist, probably got 86 miles to the gallon. It would jingle when you turned the lights on, went through the car wash or turned left. I could run into things and no one would even notice. It was the host of "That Night". Ahhh memories. What I wouldn't give to run into the Golden Deluxe Whore Mobile...

Monday, July 7, 2008

The One with the Fourth of July Adventures

So this year we decided to go to Jon's family reunion on the res. I've heard a lot of stories about the res from Jon, but in the almost 6 years that we have been dating we've never gone. Ari and I went once but this time I got to have my own Indian guide. It was a lot of fun. I got to see where Jon spent his summers and meet some of his family. They are all really nice and it was neat to hear them speak Navajo. I think they were talking about me some of the time but I think it was good because it made Jon smile. After spending most of the day up there we started to head home and stopped in Sedona for a while. So beautiful! A long day, but so much fun. Here are a few pics.
Wild indian girl! No it's just Jessica
Jon relaxing in front of his grandparents house
Oak Creek
My cute little dog Titan

Me and my little indian

This is a deer leg that we found in the middle of the woods..gross