Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The One With Dr. Jon

The other day I noticed that my poor little baby Titan (gag.. I know, but I don't have kids so this is what you get) had this pretty good size cut on his back leg. Jon thinks he got it from running and hiding behind the storage shed in the back yard, but seriously, who knows, I mean he's a dog. Anyway, so Jon decided to play doctor..Jon loves playing doctor.. and fixed him right up.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The One With the Police Officers Memorial and Family Reunion

"Carved on these walls is the story of America, of a continuing quest to preserve both democracy and decency, and to protect a national treasure that we call the American dream."- President George Bush

A few weekends ago the Wright family had a family reunion in Utah to attend the dedication of Utah's Law Enforcement Memorial. It was an incredibly moving experience and gave me even more respect for our law enforcement. I met up with the family on Friday to watch my Grandpa and his brother and sister cement their father's plaque into the memorial. Seth F. Wright died in the line of duty transporting a prisoner from Texas back to Utah in 1960. The act of cementing on the plaques by the families had been happening all week and there were 2 guards at the memorial for every minute of it. I thought that was really respectful and special. After the cementing a bunch of the old timers and myself went to an Italian dinner in Bountiful. So sweet. I love my family, they are hilarious. After dinner we went to a "world famous" frozen custard place in Bountiful. They had a walk up order place and also a counter inside. Well I ordered mine outside and I noticed my Dad at the counter inside so when it came time to pay I told this kid that the guy with the white shirt was picking up my tab. The kid thought I was UBER shady. Jokes on him, Dad paid. Ha. Saturday morning I met my family at the state capitol again for the actual dedication of the memorial. There were TONS of people and law enforcement to support these heroes. The Governor and also Pres Packer spoke. They had arranged for 126 current law enforcement men to stand on a hill behind the memorial to represent the 126 fallen officers. My grandpa was able to stand in for his father on the hill. There was a tear, not gonna lie. :) The speaker mentioned something about how because of these fallen officers we are able to sleep in our beds at night, our children are able to play in the streets and that we are able to have some peace of mind in this world. It was very moving. All give some, some give all. After the dedication we went to eat Mexican food and had a nice time. Saturday night was the annual raffle, where I did not win a quilt!! I'm bummed. I stuffed those cans with tickets. :( I did happen to sit by my great-great aunts husband Olie and he kept stealing drinks from my Diet Dr Pepper. I love silly old men. Ha. Anyways, it was great to see the fam and have good times but also remember and celebrate the lives and sacrifice of those fallen officers. I know I am appreciative and also very proud.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The One With The Pig

So last weekend was our ward luau. It was a lot of fun..good job Heather!! We had great food, and great entertainment, but my favorite part was the pig. A girl in our ward cooked a whole pig in her oven!! Can you imagine.. a pig in your oven! It was seriously so neat. A lot of people, including Heather, were pretty grossed out by it, but Jon and I were loving it. So here he is..or she..our poor little pig aka dinner.

In a cooler

I hepled get that apple in his mouth

Tongan dancers

Sunday, August 31, 2008

The One With the Best Sedona Trip Ever!!

Ok so yesterday was by far my favorite trip to Sedona. We, Heather, Jon, and myself, all went up there to pick up a cake. Last year Kassi and Scott got married up there, and to make a long story short we ate all of their cake, Kassi was real mad because she really didn't get to eat any of it, and let me tell you it was amazing. Anyway, so Heather had a really good idea to reorder their exact same cake and give it to them on their anniversary as a peace offering. We figured it would be fun to go up there and hike around Oak Creek before picking it up. Boy am I glad we did. We found a couple of fun places and just made our own trail.. my fave. It was getting close to the time that we had to go get the cake so we decided to head back to the car. Jon was trying to find the same place that we had gone last time but we weren't sure where that was. When we were almost back to the car Jon saw it a little ways down the creek. It's "our spot". It seriously is a really pretty part of the creek and it even has this huge rock that is perfect for pictures. He really wanted to go down there and take a few pictures together. He asked Heather to stay on the other side while we crossed over to the rock. We took a couple of pictures and I was ready to go. He was acting kind of funny and wanted to keep taking pictures and then all of a sudden he dropped to one knee and pulled out a ring!! I looked at Heather, both were completely shocked, and then looked back to him. He yelled to Heather to take pictures and then went on with the proposal. I was so surprised and so happy. It was perfect. I don't think that it has completely sunk in yet that we are actually, finally getting married. I love him so much and can't wait to spend forever with him!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

The One With the Hike

This is a really big mushroom!!

For those of you who saw Wrong Turn. . we found the house.

A few week ago we went to Prescott to get away from the heat! Here are some pics from our hike.

Monday, July 28, 2008

The One in Boise

To carry on in my effort to be a good person, I made the trip to Boise this past weekend to visit my family and help my grandma with her garage sale. Its probably a 5 hour car ride, sweet right...yeeeaaaah. "Met" some sweet peeps on the road, I hate when people try to talk to you as you are driving down a highway going 95 mph..Oh and this is CLASSIC ARI. I exited to use the facilities. I turn left off the highway to go over the bridge to the truck stop. Instead of turning on the road to the truck stop i accidentally turned back onto the highway but going the wrong way. I had to drive 20 miles to turn back around. That isn't as bad as when Audri drove to California when she was trying to go to a salon on Estrella Pkwy...hahahahaha...anyways..
I arrive in Boise and my cousin and his friend decide we should go play pool at their fav bar. WHITE TRASH. Everyone there was "stare worthy". This broad was my favorite, she was constantly laying on the floor or doing back bends on the chairs (as documented) or even laying down in the middle of peoples pool games...beyond wasted. I don't know if you can tell but she is wearing a teal bra with a camo TUBE top. Straps in all their glory just hanging out up top...The weekend was full of good ol fashioned WT moments.. My Grandma is the best though and I love talking to her. She tells the most random sweet stories about "her day" and where we get our ankles and hands and face from..I have "Wolfe" ankles (her side of family). It was a good time. Gotta love the land o the potatoes.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The One With The Limo

So this past weekend I took a little jaunt to North Carolina! I went to visit G.I. Brandon (see Vegas post about me and Heather's patriotic duty haha). Anyways, had a fab time in good ol Fayetteville, NC, humidity and all! Every other building is literally a church, it was just like home. Haha. Anyways, Brandon wasn't able to take me to the airport for my departing flight on Monday because of his job. So I research rides (its an hour and a half..) and a taxi service ended up being only $10 more than renting a car. I reserve my ride and I'm set. Monday morning the service calls me and tells me they double booked my Cadi and they were out of cars so they had to upgrade me for free to a Limo. Sweet right? Well the guy pulls up to B's house in a stretch limo. HAHAHAHAHAHA, straight up i'm going to prom!? It was soooo funny. I'm driving through rural North Carolina in this stretch limo. I made him take me to a gas station so i could use the ATM, everyone was starring. After the pit stop to the gas station, we get back on the highway and BAM, car breaks down!! I guess something was wrong with the battery. At this point I'm getting nervous because we are starting to cut it close for my flight (not that i would have minded another night..). Jon the driver got it all fixed up after probably 20 min of tinkering. We're on the road again and I strike up a convo with Jon. Turns out he lived 3 miles from my dad's house for 35 years before moving to North Carolina 3 years ago. AND his nephews both went to my high school. S M A L L W O R L D. That whole weekend was full of adventures and so to top it off with the sweetest limo ride ever was perfect. Cherry on top if you will.