Saturday, September 20, 2008

The One With The Pig

So last weekend was our ward luau. It was a lot of fun..good job Heather!! We had great food, and great entertainment, but my favorite part was the pig. A girl in our ward cooked a whole pig in her oven!! Can you imagine.. a pig in your oven! It was seriously so neat. A lot of people, including Heather, were pretty grossed out by it, but Jon and I were loving it. So here he is..or she..our poor little pig aka dinner.

In a cooler

I hepled get that apple in his mouth

Tongan dancers


Adam Jensen said...

ewh... I have to say the head grosses me out... can't they cut it off? I would like a headless pig please :)

Tatum said...

I am in tears laughing about how funny it must have been to see you and Jon all into the pig.

I love the picture of you next too the pig... why not?