Monday, June 23, 2008

The one with Utah adventures

So I've fallen off the edge of the earth or put more simply moved to Utah. Lets recap some of the many adventures that have happened in the last week.

1. Hung out with my boy Nate. Nate is one of my besties here, we go to church together, watch superman and face paint. He is very precious and autistic and most importantly, seriously the definition of a friend. So this is on one of our "dates", first we went to Crown Burger, than to Home Depot and than face painting. Sweet date if you ask me. He is the best, loves Superman, Back to the Future and "face painting with pretty girls." How do you not love that.

2. Cascade Springs

So guess what. This is a short drive from my house. Its up American Fork Canyon probably 30 minutes but the canyons in Utah are freakin beautiful anyways so you don't realize you've been driving for 30 minutes because...yeah you guessed it. HEAVEN. A friend and I went up here and walked around, its a natural spring and is in pristine condition. SOOOOO PRETTY!! I def want to go back for a picnic very soon. While we were walking around we saw 2 people taking a nap in the really tall grass. You could barely see them, I thought that was funny and I guess cool but it honestly made me want to pull a trick on them for sleeping in a kind of public place. Maybe cover them with grass, i don't know. I didn't have time to think of anything because I'm 25 now and i guess that means i can't pull pranks on strangers anymore. At least that is what the kid i was with told me. Hmmm doesn't seem like he really knows Ari. ANYWAYS...

3. Wallyworld adventures

Late Late LATE one night a couple of friends and I decided that we needed some goods so we ventured to the good ol 24 hour walmart. My friend Rich is a waiter at Red Robin and decided that he was too tired to walk and had to get the motorized cart. This isn't embarrassing to me because i used to pull this crap all the time because of my dear peeps Heather Isaac and Nicholas Hilton. (they have even had races). Anyways, we were walking/driving down the home section and this very cute little toddler just hopped on with Rich! Ummmm it was like 1 am...what is up with that?? His mom was a pretty hard looking woman and just thought it was the cutest thing that her son ran up and jumped onto the cart with a stranger. Rich is a precious guy so he took the little guy for a ride while Victoria, Rich's girlfriend and I talked to the mom. It was pretty random, it was funny and it was just another night at walmart.



So when did my sister stop her obsession with Fox and the Hound and decide to effing grow up, graduate high school, choose her major (dentist) and MOVE OUT?! She just beez too little for all of this. I remember the days when she was 2 and would get up by herself in the mornings, finagle her way into her high chair and wait there with a scowl on her face for someone to come and find her and feed her. If you even looked at her all she would say was "i wan sum eggs" just like that. She would even say it all ornery. So funny. When she would pray for our dinner and describe the food to Heavenly Father individually, "please bless the little green balls.." When her favorite game in the world was to be my maid, i loved that game too. She loved Barney, she loved her dinosaur shorts, and Good Time's Aladdin. But NOOOOO she has to be a grown up now. She is starting ASU in the fall and moving out with her best friend this week. She is amazing, my closest friend and my little grown up. High Fiiivaaah!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The One With Buddy

The other day Jon and I had the funniest thing happen to us. My parents had gone out of town and had asked me if I would come over a couple of times a day to take care of the dog. Of course I said yes seeing as how she really is my dog. For those of you who know her.. cute little Sparkles.. can you believe she is still around?! Crazy I know! Anyway, so Jon and I went over there one morning to let her out. When I got there the landscapers were hard at work. I knew that she might freak out if I put her in the back where they were working so I decided to take her out front. Little Sparkles was sniffing around getting ready to do her thing when this fat little dog came running towards us. I wasn't sure how she was going to handle that and I didn't want her to have a heart attack or anything so I quickly picked her up and headed back inside. The crazy little dog seeing me leave sped up to catch us so naturally so did I. Before I could turn around to shut the door this mangy little mutt was now running through my parents house! I was freaking out! I was yelling for Jon to come help me get this dog out. Jon thought is was pretty funny. He grabbed him and checked out his tags and told me that it was the neighbors and his name was Buddy. Oh I almost forgot to mention..Buddy is probably the ugliest dog I have ever seen. I love dogs, I pretty much love all dogs. I would probably adopt any dog offered to me, but he was so gross. He had these huge bulging eyes, a three to four inch tongue that stuck straight out of his mouth, slobber and boogers all over his smashed little face, and he sounded like a pig. Ya pretty disgusting. But despite all of that I still felt bad for the little guy since it's like 10 million degrees outside and I figured somebody loves him, so Jon and I took him back home. It would be nice if the story ended there but it didn't. Nobody was home of course so Jon decided that he would just stick him back in the back yard. That would have been nice except for it was locked and it was this rod iron fence that would have been hard to jump. I couldn't do it and Jon's ankle is still all messed up. While we were trying to figure out what to do, another black pug came running up to the fence and started in with his little snort/bark thing. His name was Moses. These people didn't have just one of these ugly things, they had two! Anyway, Jon told me to lift Buddy over the fence and hand it off to him so he could lower him to the ground. It worked! Now obviously this sneaky little dog had gotten out before, because there was chicken wire, and metal and wooden stakes lining the bottom of the gate. Maybe they should get a new gate or lock the dogs up or something.. I don't know just an idea. I just hope the next time he figures a way out I'm not around to find him. It made us laugh though.. it was good times. ( That's not an actual picture of Buddy, but it's close)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The one with Ari's birthday

Today is a blessed day! A long long..long time ago, 25 years to be exact, our little baby Aristella Melissa Wright was born. We had her birthday celebration Memorial Day weekend when she came down for her sisters graduation. It was so fun! We all made her the best cake ever!! Scott, our master cake decorator, made sure it fit her perfectly. She was so moved by all of our love and effort that she considered moving home and cried like a wee babe. We all love her so much and are grateful that she is a part of our lives. We are especially glad that she chose this day to FINALLY come out of her mothers pah-china! Happy Birthday!! Love you miss you xoxo!