Friday, May 30, 2008

I saw this today on my way home. It made me smile and think of my silly friends.(by Donna)

the one with all of the vegas vacations

Once upon a time we all decided that we loved Las Vegas. It geographically makes sense to meet there and of course, the memories to be had. Like this delightful gentleman. He isn't an entertainer, he is just blessed with kickin style...

There was the time with David's wedding...The sweet Elvis impersonator..The limo up on blocks behind the Las Vegas Garden of Love Wedding Chapel..or when we all thought it was a fantastic idea to run into the middle of the road to take pictures by the Las Vegas sign.

Or our last trip a few weeks ago. This is the one with the culture and Supporting Our Troops. Jon found his people!! (it WAS a casino...)

Or the Improv! Don't worry about Jon, his ankle was just sprained..

Our beautiful little brown girl named Donna and her photo shoot at the hotel.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The One With Our Family Story

Everyone has their biological families and a lucky few are blessed with another. This is our story. Donna and Ari met 10 years ago at a high school volleyball game. Stupid jokes were told, laughter was had and a life long friendship began. These two became inseparable. Cruising for hookers in the "Golden Deluxe," door bell ditching and crazy night adventures were some of their favorite things to do. Eventually graduation came and it was time to move forward. During this process both girls decided to attend the singles ward. Donna, through some friends, met a little (26 years old) Indian boy named Jon Canyon. He was the Sunday school teacher at the time and told the funniest stories. Now I wouldn't say that it was love at first sight, but a very close friendship was made. Both knew that there was something special about the other. Latin dancing, spontaneous adventures and "special occasions" eventually led to l-o-v-e. During that time Ari wanted Donna to check out a new singles ward with her, and there she was, Heather. Now they had seen this girl around the social scene before, but were pretty sure they didn't like her. When you're apart of a twosome sometimes it's hard to let others in. They had pretty much decide for themselves that she was mean, but thankfully "Tiffany's Sunday" occurred. All because of a ring from Tiffany's Donna and Ari decided to give this girl a chance. Ari and Heather had a mutual friend and one night at a dinner they bonded. Then came Kassi, Heather's little sister. They had some crazy nights too. Grocery cart fires, stealing TVs and stupid boys were just some of the many memories. Ari and Heather thought that it might be fun to have secret trips and adventures but the truth always came out. Two more members of the Clan! Shortly after, Ari decided that she really didn't love them anymore and moved to Utah. Just kidding- in all actuality she had a job offer that she couldn't refuse. Around the same time Donna was looking for a place to live, and Heather had an extra room. Both being a little apprehensive about the decision, not knowing one another very well, decided to take a chance. Needless to say they also found l-o-v-e and celebrated their 1 year anniversary in Hawaii of last year. During this time Heather, Donna and Kassi lived together and shared in some of the most memorable times ever. Kassi decide that she wanted a man and Jon had mentioned his roommate Scott. Now Heather had never seen him before and wasn't sure that he was real. She thought maybe Jon and Donna are just making him up as a joke. One night when they were taking Jon home after playing tennis they saw that Scott was home too. Seeing this as the perfect chance to finally meet this mystery man Heather and Kassi wanted to go in. Donna had mentioned before that Scott was amazing on the guitar, and even could play a Britney Spears song. This caught Kassi's attention right away. After proof that he did exist and a little persuading he played. Kassi was hooked. They started dating shortly after and in August of 2007 they were married in Sedona. So this is it..their story. A different but wonderful little family. All are looking forward to more memories, more laughter, and of course more additions.